Friday, October 17, 2008

A Photo Diary of the Zoo

We went to the zoo on Monday because the girls had the day off from school. I gave Sarah my camera and let her take pictures of the things she found interesting. Well, except for the picture of Ashley. I took that one because Sarah doesn't usually find her sister very interesting, lol. Here is a small selection of the many she took. It's always fun to see things through my children's eyes.

Ashley loves the animal statues located throughout the zoo.

The penguin encounter.

Snake eggs...eeeeeeeeeeeeeek!

A friendly parrot!

Mommy is glad these are behind thick glass!

Sarah really loves snakes!

This snake blends in with the tree branch.

A cute little gecko.

Hmmmm, not sure what this is...

Two beautiful bald eagles in the outside aviary.

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