Wednesday, October 8, 2008

We have a future car salesman in the family

Last week Sarah and Ashley brought home information for this year’s PTA fundraiser, the "Wild Walk". It's actually ingenious, because unlike most fundraisers where you have to convince someone that they really NEEEEED wrapping paper, greeting cards, books, candy, or magazines (I won't include cookie dough in this example, because of course you ALWAYS do need that!!!), this fundraiser is a "walk" where you get people to sponsor you per lap or a onetime donation. It's something I can get on board with, because as the parent I don't have to keep track of orders or make a return trip to someone’s home to deliver the product.

So knowing that we have a wealth of family in the area (pun intended), I told the kids we needed to call everyone and see if they would like to donate to the "cause" (which for the kids really meant adding to the pot in hopes of reaching a certain goal so that their Principal and Vice Principal would get slimed at a Friday assembly.) Ashley was really excited about the thought of talking on the phone (our little Paris Hilton in the making, sans the trust fund), so she volunteered to do the talking. Now knowing how I myself am a sucker for little kids on a fundraising mission (especially when there is Girl Scout cookies or cookie dough involved), I thought that was a good idea. Who was going to turn down a cute 5 year old, especially one you're related to? :)

So Ashley had Daddy call Grandma Nancy first. Now, I did do a little coaching as to what to say, so that she could explain to them who they were raising money for and what they were going to use it on. I figured I would let her talk for a few minutes, "layer on the cute", and then get the phone from her and fully explain everything. Instead, I should have gotten up and popped some popcorn to eat, because boy, we were in for a show.

"Hi Grandma. We're doing a friendriser for school cuz we neeeeeeeeeeeeed stuff. How much do you want to dronay?"

Classic salesmanship...asks "how much" instead of "would you like to"...genius.

"A 'FREINDRISER'...geesh (smacks her head with her hand). For school, cuz we neeeeeeeeed (bending and crouching with her hand in a fist with her eyes tightly shut) a lot of stuff. "

I think Jeff snorts some soda out his nose at this point.

"For school. Uh huh. You just dronay. Mom, what are we selling?"

Jeff and I were trying hard not to laugh out loud, lest we get Ashley off her game. She is very sensitive to people laughing at her unless she is intentionally trying to be funny. So as I try to keep my composure, I tell her to tell Grandma that Grandma dough-nates (emphasizing the pronunciation in hopes that Ashley says it correctly) a set amount of money or "per lap" to the PTA fund, and then she (Ashley) will walk laps at the Wild Walk.

"Huh? What did you say? Here, you talk to Grandma..."

So after we clear it up with Grandma, Ashley proceeds to call her Aunt Kara, Auntie Peach, Nana and Tata, and then Uncle Greg. When she gets to Uncle Greg, she tries a new ploy:

"If you donate $25 Uncle Greg, you'll be in the lead"

You can't teach this stuff...

"OK, so is that $25 for each of us, or to split between me and Sarah?"

By the time she got to Aunt Anna, she had it down:

"I'm doing a fundraiser for school. If you donate $25 you'll be tied for the lead"

Now, my sister loves to tease Ashley. She loves her spunk and thinks Ashley is entertaining. Being unable to hear my sister's side of the conversation, I just had to figure that it wasn't going to Ashley's liking, because all of a sudden she says

"UUUUUUUGH, put Uncle Paul on"

Way to recognize the bigger sucker sweetheart!

So all in all, Ashley raised $250 (to be split between her and Sarah) just from family. Not bad for a 5 year old. She might be able to single handedly solve the Big 3 Car Company Stock Meltdown.

p.s. thanks to all who donated!!!!

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