Can you guess what these three things have in common?
To the casual observer, you might be hard pressed finding some correlation, if any. But if you are a parent, you know the answer is "I'll take 'Entertainment Value' for $200 Alex". Kate and Elizabeth have become masters at entertaining themselves with these simple household items. Finger paint? Who needs it when you have a brand new tube of toothpaste and a clean "canvas" awaiting you at the bottom of the bathtub. Dirty feet after playing with the hose in the sand box? No problem, Dozer and Jet won't mind grainy water after we rinse our feet in their bowl. And the coup de foudre, the wallet. Nevermind the $40 bucks in cold hard cash, who can resist taking everything out and rearranging it over and over? Bonus points if you misplace one of mommy's's quite fun watching her tear up the house looking for it.
So the next time you're at Toys 'R Us about to drop an amount close to the Gross National Product of Liechtenstein, swing by Walgreen's and pick up a tube of toothpaste. Much cheaper...although you might have to spring for a one time appointment with the Maid Brigade to clean the mint flavored toothpaste off the ceiling.
Top: Mommy's tube of toothpaste (she leaves it on the counter for any little hands to grab)
Bottom: Daddy's tube of toothpaste (he hides his in his medicine cabinet)
1 comment:
Love it! My mom brought 60 years of buttons to my house last week. It entertained the kids for days, until I got tired of stepping on renegade buttons.
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