Saturday, November 1, 2008

Happy Halloween!

This year we had a nice Halloween trick or treating with my sister Laureen, my BIL Chris, and their three little ones. For the second year in a row, the weather was so nice, you could wear shorts! Lucky for Chris, because Laureen was going to make him wear the Pooh costume to complete their family theme of "Hundred Acre Woods".

This year Sarah decided she wanted to be Anakin Skywalker, and Ashley chose to be a cheerleader complete with pom poms. We dressed Kate up as an angel, and she had fun collecting candy from the neighbors. She had a great first Halloween, and caught on quickly to the whole concept of walking to the door, ringing the bell, and holding her pail out in exchange for candy :) I had planned on dressing Elizabeth up in the warm pumpkin suit I had bought for Kate the year before, but once again, it was way too hot for comfort. She slept through most of it anyway :)

The whole gang before we set out.

Kate enjoys her first piece of Halloween candy.

My three Halloween ghouls.

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